Development Manager


Division Development Manager
Gears of War Publishing Team

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Gears of War 2 launched this holiday, continuing the story of humanity's war against the Locust Horde. Microsoft Game Studios (MGS) is looking for an experienced development manager to join the team within MGS that partners with Epic Games on all aspects of the Gears of War franchise. This position involves:
managing a small team of developers
owning the technical relationship with our partners at Epic Games
collaborating on the technical direction of the franchise
ensuring there are reliable processes in place to ensure quality and predictability
solving technical problems in all areas (graphics, multiplayer, UI, etc.)
Gears of War is one of MGS' most important franchises - one of the most commercially and critically successful in the games industry today. We have huge ambitions for where we can take the franchise in the future, and we need a great development manager to be able to help us get where we want to go.

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