Patriots Division Company Logo

Patriots Division

Umeå - Sweden
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Action VFX Artist


Patriots Division is seeking VFX artist for its upcoming action PvP title Shadow War, built in Unreal Engine 5.

The game is a proto-cyberpunk 5v5 title with a massive cast of characters to choose from. The game features primarily action combat, with abilities unique to each character that bring their team closer to victory.

Patriots Division is seeking a VFX artist to create action VFX, sword swings, bullet trails, impacts, smoke, flame, and more. Work is REMOTE and can be done from home or locally in Umeå Sweden.


-Create unique and visually distinct effects for our team of characters using Unreal Engine 5/Niagara
- Make sure all effects are created in a performant and scalable way
- Implement effects inside animation sequences and directly trough blueprint
- Work closely with animation and design to make effects that add visual interest and motion clarity that visually informs the player about what the character is doing
- Use of AGILE methodologies

Experience with previous triple A titles?is a plus!