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Sony Pictures Imageworks

Vancouver, British Columbia - Canada
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Character Animators


Sony Pictures Imageworks will be scheduling interviews with experienced Animators for opportunities in our Vancouver Facility at Siggraph.

During Siggraph you can find us at the Job Fair in Booth #32.

Job Description:
Creates animated characters and objects that meet required direction. Artist must possess ability to animate both primary and secondary characters by utilizing traditional methods and computer graphics systems to create desired performance of digital characters within a shot. Emphasis should be placed on conveying emotion through a combination of body language and facial expressions/ dialog as required by each specific project. Accountable for meeting schedules and show deadlines, participates in dailies, rounds and team reviews of work in progress. Interacts with production, supervisors and team/ peers in order to problem solve and share information related to show/ assigned tasks. Must be able to decipher as well as follow through on shot turnovers, dailies, briefings/ notes and feedback. Successful candidates should be able to work efficiently as part of a team or independently to determine the various design solutions. Able to animate multiple types of shots from simple to moderately difficult.

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