Wideload Games, Inc. - Chicago, Illinois - United States

About Wideload Games, Inc.

Sherlock Holmes once said that if you eliminate the impossible, whatever remains, however implausible, must be true. Wideload takes this theory to its logical end by positing the implausible-but-not-impossible as the only worthwhile goal. It's the white whale, the highest mountain, the all-you-can-eat burrito bar. It's a load so wide, we had to call it Wideload.
We're not going to spend a lot of time here tooting our own horn. It's a bit distasteful, the sort of thing those guys at other game companies might do when they're not killing puppies. We hope to be successful enough someday to hire people who will do that sort of thing for us. Hey, it could be you! Has a friend or loved one ever told you that your obsequious sycophancy is an abomination unto god? If so, you may have an exciting future as a member of Wideload's "street team," a group of volunteers just like you who live in viaducts and talk to garbage.