Ziba Design - Portland , Oregon - United States

About Ziba Design

Ziba Design is people.
Diverse, passionate, talented people, who live to create.

What binds us all together is a deep, almost obsessive love for the beautiful experience: that moment when an object, space or event makes a powerful connection with the person experiencing it, creating meaning where there was none.

If that makes sense, you might be one of us. We work hard to create these experiences, at a pace that’s sometimes hectic and often exhausting; but it’s also exhilarating, and tempered by the healthy, generous lifestyle for which Portland is justly famous.

Ziba’s people work in seven different discipline groups: Consumer Insights and Trends, Industrial Design, Environments Design, Communication Design, Interaction Design, Client Relations, Creative Services and Business Development. Each of these groups is growing, and hiring new talent on a regular basis.