Alelo, Inc. - Los Angeles, California - United States

About Alelo, Inc.

Our mission is to create revolutionary software solutions to help people become more effective communicators across languages and cultures worldwide.

Alelo ( is an award-winning creator of innovative, computer-based “serious” games that utilize social simulation to teach global competence. Our software incorporates state-of-the-art instructional design, social science, and patented avatar technology for socially intelligent virtual humans that interact with the learner in dynamic, immersive scenarios. Course instruction is modeled on a task-based, situated learning methodology effective for rapid skill development and application to real world situations. Our unique approach provides highly effective and customizable training for learners at different levels who need intercultural communication skills to succeed in the 21st century.

Alelo’s instructional and product design focus on both standalone and blended learning models for use online, locally on a desktop, or on mobile devices for self-led and group-based learning. Our products are used extensively by government and military entities in the U.S, Australia, and the EU. We are currently expanding into the educational market and are developing a new line of language and culture products designed for world-language learners in middle school, high school, and postsecondary grade levels.

Alelo consists of a unique multidisciplinary team of talented individuals who work in a highly collaborative environment. We employ top professionals in artificial intelligence, computational linguistics, speech recognition, human-computer interaction, game design, graphics arts, animation, media production, instructional design, project management, anthropology, linguistics, and foreign languages.

See examples of our technologies and training solutions at