Ramapo College of New Jersey - Mahwah, New Jersey - United States

About Ramapo College of New Jersey

Ramapo College of New Jersey is located in the beautiful foothills of the Ramapo Valley Mountains approximately 25 miles northwest of New York City. Ramapo College is a comprehensive institution of higher education dedicated to the promotion of teaching and learning within strong liberal arts based curriculum, thus earning the designation “New Jersey’s Public Liberal Arts College.” Its curricular emphasis includes the liberal arts and sciences, social sciences, fine and performing arts, and the professional programs within a residential and sustainable living and learning environment. Organized into thematic learning communities, Ramapo College provides academic excellence through its interdisciplinary curriculum, international education, intercultural understanding and experiential learning opportunities.

"New Jersey's Public Liberal Arts College”
Ramapo College is a member of the Council of Public Liberal Arts Colleges (COPLAC), a national alliance of leading liberal arts colleges in the public sector.