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Film University Babelsberg KONRAD WOLF

Potsdam - Germany
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Professorship VFX Technologies/ Virtual Production


W3-Professorship Visual Effects Technologies/ Virtual Production (50%)

Regarding the German language requirements: you can apply without knowing German, but you would need to prove a certain skill level after two years.


An artistic professorship at grade W3 for the subject area "Visual Effects Technologies/ Virtual Production" is to be filled as a half-time position as of April 01, 2023.

Time limit:

The professorship will be filled for an unlimited period of time in accordance with §43 of the Brandenburg Higher Education Act (BbgHG). In the case of an initial appointment, the appointment is limited to five years and will be made permanent after a positive evaluation.


The Filmuniversität Babelsberg KONRAD WOLF is looking for a person who will teach the subject area "Visual Effects Technologies/ Virtual Production" in the newly planned Bachelor's programme "Visual Effects & Virtual Productions" (AT) in theory and practice and represent it in teaching and research.

The applicant should have a broad background of experience in the field of visual effects/virtual production with a focus on new methods for generating visual effects, e.g. using real-time rendering engines. Several years of experience in cross-departmental work on a film set, for example as a technical director, as well as teaching experience are expected.

The area of expertise to be represented by the professorship includes the teaching of skills for the conception, development and production of visual effects and pipelines for film and media productions of various types (linear, interactive and immersive media). In particular, specific competences for the areas of world building, rendering and CGI, scripting and simulation/FX are to be taught - preferably also with a reference to the audio dimension.

A central component of the professorship's area of responsibility is also the development of the newly planned BA programme "Visual Effects & Virtual Productions" (AT) at the Filmuniversität in close cooperation with the professorship for "Visual Effects". This includes the further development of the teaching concept and the curriculum with a view to connectivity with the Master's programmes as well as the close interlinking of the study programme with the other degree programmes.

The advertised professorship is closely involved in the processes of cross-curricular film work. Therefore, experience in the areas of interdisciplinary project organisation is central. In addition, the applicant is expected to further develop the field, establish future-oriented cooperations within and outside the university and introduce new technological developments and working methods into teaching and research. A high degree of presence at the university is an absolute requirement.

The tasks of the professorship of responsibility includes:
• Setting up the newly planned Bachelor's degree programme "Visual Effects & Virtual Productions" (AT) as well as organising the technical equipment of the degree programme
• Teaching in the degree programme, in German and English, including the teaching of basic principles
• Initiation, coordination, implementation and supervision of interdisciplinary, cross-curricular projects and courses
• Supervision of student projects, theses, presentations, examinations
• Active further development of one's own subject area
• Networking and establishing cooperation within and outside the university
• Research and development
• Collaboration on third-party funding applications and projects

The profile of the professorship includes participation and presence in academic self-administration and collaboration in the continuous development of the Bachelor's and Master's degree programmes and requires active communication internally and externally for networking and further development of interdisciplinary cooperation. The profile of the advertised position also includes the ability to support the artistic development process of students and to encourage and promote reflection on this in discussion. An open-minded and empathetic attitude on the part of the candidate is required for this.

Hiring Requirements:

The legal requirements for employment are derived from §41(1) numbers 1 through 4a and §41(4) of the BbgHG as follows:
• Completed university studies, ideally at the intersection of design and technology, e.g. in the field of media informatics, computer graphics or a comparable degree; in deviation from this, excellent subject-related performance in practice can also be demonstrated.
• Pedagogical aptitude proven by teaching experience at universities or comparable institutions.
• Special qualification for artistic work proven by several years of professional experience in national and/or international VFX productions, e.g. as Technical Director or VFX Generalist
• Furthermore, additional artistic achievements as evidenced by corresponding projects, etc.

Expected, to be proven by corresponding projects, or similar:

• Very good skills in rendering and with CGI incl. modelling, lighting, shading, rigging
• Very good skills in scripting and the creation of VFX pipelines
• Experience in FX simulation and/or procedural methods
• Experience in working with real-time rendering/3D game engines, ideally in connection with virtual productions
• Professional experience in cross-departmental collaboration on set
• Profound knowledge of software applications relevant for visual effects
• Expertise in integrating audio into VFX productions
• Very good written and spoken English
• Very good contacts in the media industry
• Communicative, coordinating and structuring skills, leadership skills

Desirable are also, to be proven by relevant projects, or similar:

• Experience in research and development (R&D)
• Experience in the use of artificial intelligence tools
• Experience with crowd manipulation and/or digital characters
• Experience with tracking, rotoscoping and grading

Teaching responsibilities:

Teaching comprises 9 SWS according to the teaching obligation regulation of the state of
Brandenburg and according to the study and examination regulations.

Other notes:

The Film University values the diversity of its members and pursues the goals of equal opportunity regardless of gender, nationality, ethnic and social origin, religion/belief, disability, age, and sexual orientation and identity. In accordance with §7(4) BbgHG, women and severely disabled persons are given preferential consideration in the case of equal suitability. Applications from abroad, from persons with a migration background and applicants with family care responsibilities are expressly welcome. Please indicate any severe disabilities in your application.

The Film University aims to increase the proportion of women in research and teaching and therefore strongly encourages qualified female applicants to apply.

The Film University asks applicants to submit a written teaching concept.

In addition, we ask the applicants to formulate their ideas on how equality and diversity can be integrated into teaching and research and supported in university life. They should also describe how latent and explicit forms of discrimination can be countered. These aspects will be taken into account in the selection decision.

Application documents:

Please send your application containing your application documents with
• description of your
academic, artistic-creative and pedagogical background
• curriculum vitae

• certificates (in English or German translation)

• teaching concept

• proof of activities

• examples of work - through a corresponding link on a streaming platform

• list of publications

by 05.10.2022 (extended) exclusively via our online application portal:

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